Subscriber privacy rights notice

The following notice is provided by Blue Stream Fiber to inform you of our practices regarding personally identifiable information that may be collected in the course of providing cable service to you,

As a subscriber of cable services, you are entitled under federal law to know the following:

1. So that we may continue to provide reliable, high-quality service to you, we keep regular business records that contain your name, address and other personally identifiable information. Such records include billing, payment and deposit records indicating the number of your television sets connected to cable and the service options you have chosen. We use this information to make sure that you are being properly billed for the services you receive. We also use this information for service calls, customer surveys, bill collection and cable-related sales activity, as well as for our own tax and accounting records. We take reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access to this information.

2. We consider information we keep to be confidential. We may collect personally identifiable information from you and may disclose it to a third party if (a) you consent in advance, in writing or electronically; (b) disclosure is necessary to render cable service and other services we provide to you end related business activities; or (c) disclosure is required under a court order, and you are notified of such order, Disclosure “necessary to render cable services” includes releases of personally identifiable information to collection agencies, program guide suppliers and cable system sales agent.

3. Unless you object, from time to time we may also disclose your name and address for mailing lists and other purposes. Recipients of this information may use it for non-cable-related purposes.  We will not disclose the extent of your viewing or use of a particular service or the nature of any transaction you may make over the cable system, but we may disclose that you are among those who subscribe to a particular service. If you wish to remove your name from such lists or limit the use of your name at any time, please contact us at the system office. It is the long established policy of Blue Stream Fiber to not disclose the names and addresses of customers for any purposes other than to carry out our business.

4. We may also electronically test the system from me to time to determine whether you are being properly billed for the cable services you are receiving.

5. We will maintain information about you for as long as we provide service to you, and for a longer time if necessary for related business activities. When information is no longer necessary for our purposes, we will destroy the information unless there is a legitimate request or order to inspect the information still outstanding.

6. You have the right to inspect our records that contain information about you, correct any error in our information, and enforce your rights under federal law, including the right to recover statutory damages and costs. If your wish to inspect the records at our system office pertaining to you or to review your statutory rights, please contact us to setup an appointment during regular business hours at (954) 753-0100.

Blue Stream complies with Section 631 of the Communications Act of 1984 as amended, and, accordingly, does take reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access to customer information. Blue Stream Fiber safeguards such information and provides its customers with a detailed description of its practices. For those customers who wish to further secure any information concerning them which Blue Stream Fiber may have, the company will, upon written request, restrict account information to only those able to furnish the Social Security numbers with which they wish to identify their accounts. If you wish this further degree of information restriction, please direct your request to: Account Clerk, Blue Stream Fiber, 12409 NW 35th Street, Coral Springs, FL 33065 or visit your local office.


Do not include this request with your monthly remittance. Mail written request separately or visit the above address. Your request must include your Social Security number, current account number, current address, and it must be signed by the individual in whose name the account is listed. Please note that in requesting this restriction, you may encounter difficulties in future transactions if the person making that transaction is unable to provide the correct Social Security number.


Equipment compatibility notification Converter boxes

One at the reasons you subscribed to Blue Stream Fiber is that we offer many more channels of programming than you are able to receive off-the-air. Some of you may have TV receivers and VCRs that can tune to all channels we provide. Others have older sets that do not tune to all the cable channels. In this case, Blue Stream Fiber can rent you a set top converter, or you may choose to buy a converter at a retail outlet.



Broward County Cable

Television Coordinator

Office of Information Technology

540 SE 3rd Avenue, Suite 300

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301-2922

(954) 357-8554


City of Weston residents may contact:

City of Weston

2500 Weston Road, Ste. 101

Weston, FL 33331

(954) 385-2000